الأربعاء، 31 مارس 2021

My Written by/ : Elisa Mascia

Turn your gaze to the world,

to every living being in the Universe.

Merciful to your children

who, while asking for your help,

Oh Christ,

they continue to scourge You every day.

Pitiful, suffering eyes,

they beg man to change.

My brother, listen: open your heart, it is my Christ who speaks to you from the Cross.

"You still have time to convert.

Look at My face dripping with blood

for every child who suffers,

for every person discriminated against and mistreated,

for inequalities and wars.  "

My Christ remains on the Cross

but to anyone who stops to look at His wounds

he receives messages and expressions of love,

invitation to each be a drop of that Holy Blood

that unites the transformed brothers,

to spread the word of him.

Offer to Jesus Christ

that a better world can be created.

Who prays in universal harmony

Christ welcomes prayer

and his holy arm in his embrace extended to all his beloved children.

Stop brother the cry uttered by the lips of my Christ in the silent cry

that you hear in the turmoil of your heart

when it is your conscience that reproaches you for the offenses to the whole of humanity

from the smallest to the greatest man.

My Christ speaks to you.

Brother, open your heart and listen

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