الأحد، 28 مارس 2021

3- BEIRUT.. written by:D Caroline Laurent

 Hold my hand on my shoulder Beirut!

 Tell me about happiness, what happened makes me desperate ...

 They break the mortar of pain, hang it on the leg like a sheep ...


 Come on, wake up ..,

 If you don't get up, no one will lift you up

 The ears do not hear anyone's complain

 Stand up with all voices

 Don't just listen to the whip


 See they touch your body

 Look they kiss you on the neck

 Look, they rape

 The valleys of hate are bubbling

 Your skin breathes with sorrow

 Women wear black


 Put on your wing, Beirut, the shadows scare me

 Look back, the burning fire is no fun

 They dig knives in the cave weave the net

 May he not be ruined by the naz


 That you don't chase away the withered laurels

 Arise, don't be defeated

 Stand in front of the sun and be the sun

 Otherwise, they make you like a sheep ...

 And nobody talks about you

 An ancient Beirut in the last pages of history

Caroline Laurent Turunc

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