السبت، 29 مايو 2021

Wounded eagle Reflk Martinović


 Reflk Martinović

 The gate swings

 in silence alone

 one took you

 October darkness

 you left when it was town

 sank into the night

 and the stars were fading ...

 ...that night

 I offered you

 to dream

 mowed years

 lost in the shadows

 of one youth

 And bird nests abducted

 to warm you in them

 because you always were

 my other name for love

 the companion of my restless nights.

 I will never stop

 to dream of you

 until I wake up

 on your lips

 and do not empty the abyss

 in a wounded soul.

 ... Will you love me

 when silver shines

 on my head

 and when they blur

 in our distances

 your vistas are blue

 you buried

 one love

 my middle name.



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